Sunday 14 February 2016

Student of the Week!

Students of the Week
Each week one student from each prep class is specially chosen to receive our ‘Student of the Week’ award.

These are students who are continually striving for their personal best and showing great leadership skills in their classes. 

Week 2 - Congratulations Archer, Lucy T and Jessica-Lee!

  Week 3 - Congratulations Oliver, Jackson and Maison!

Week 4 - Congratulations Azarlia, Imogen and Bentley!
 Week 5 - Congratulations Daniel, Lucy K and Kayde!

Our First Days of School

First Days at School

Our Preps have settled into their new school routines nicely!
Thank you to all the parents for all your support and guidance in setting up your child for success.

Here are some beautiful photos from our first days at school!


Monday 1 February 2016